We did lots of activities and races for Sports Day . We were busy with hurdles, running, dancing, long jump, soccer, basketball to name but a few. The ice- creams gave us a good break to cool down before we went on the pirate house and Viking boat.
We had a great day with our teddy bears in school. We wrote about our teddies and we brought them for a walk on the walking track. We visited the polytunnel with them. Then we had a teddy bear picnic on the benches. Finally our teddies watched us as we went into the pirate house. We had a lovely day.
We all dressed up in our blue clothes and had a great day dancing.

We were very excited to go on our school tour to Causey Farm. We saw plenty of animals and played different games. We really enjoyed our day. Take a look at the photos!
Congratulations to Isabella who won 1st prize in the Easter Egg Raffle. Enjoy Isabella!
Well done to Lara and Sofiia who won an art competition recently.
We were learning about plants. We know that cress seeds need sunlight and water to grow.
Senior Infants were learning all about 2D shapes and designed houses in art using these shapes.
We created some beautiful cherry blossom trees as we entered the season of spring.
We dressed up in green clothes for Lá Glas.